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Capture the Flag

Love playing Capture the Flag (CTF) events but never have enough time to finish all of the challenges? Now’s your chance to keep learning long after the con is over!

For those not in the know, CTFs are a collection of numerous technical challenges of varying difficulty. Solve the challenge, and you’ll be presented with a text “flag” such as “flag{correct_solution}”, which you then enter as the answer to a question in a quiz-like format. Some require access to a VM others provide files while some have you do outside research. Our CTFs are both newbie-friendly and challenging for the experienced professional. So don’t be discouraged!

JHT’s CTF Archives are live, playable archives of previously held Capture the Flag events such as those seen at NahamCon, VirSecCon, et al. The only difference is that there’s no closing time and no scoreboard. Learn with no pressure! Are you a newbie? No problem. There are challenges for all levels, and we highly encourage our students to share their solutions on the blogs, websites or in our Discord server.

What do I get?

Each Capture the Flag Archive comes with a web-based version Kali Linux for you to tackle the challenges. To make things even easier, ALL challenges are on the server. No need to start a new machine for each and every challenge. It doesn’t get any easier than that to start learning.

CTFs are $20 and come with a ton of lab time. If you run out, you can always purchase more at an affordable price.


Just Hacking Training (JHT) - CTF - Snyk 2023 Fetch the Flag

CTF – Snyk 2023 Fetch the Flag

After each CTF we produce for an event, everyone asks if there’s any way to keep playing. So, …

Just Hacking Training (JHT) - CTF NahamCon 2024

CTF – NahamCon 2024

After each CTF we produce for an event, everyone always asks if there’s any way to keep playin…

Livestream this Friday!

John Hammond brings you live forensics fun with Ali Hadi Fri Feb 21 at 6 PM ET / 3 PT.
Details on our Events page.

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