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UC – Virtualization

Whether you wish to safely deploy malware or do some hands-on cybersecurity learning, there will be many times in your technical journey that you will need a separate machine. Imagine going to the store to purchase a new computer each time you need a new machine or different operating system (OS) for a task. It would cost so much money, take up all of your time, and where would you even put them all?! Fortunately, we have the option of virtualization.

First, what does it mean to virtualize something? In simple terms, to virtualize something is to make a software version of it. Creating a software version of a new computer is known as a virtual machine (VM). This means you won’t need the hardware to house whatever you need to run and no endless trips to Best Buy… just virtualize it!

In this Upskill Challenge, seclilc covers the preferred virtualization tools used by hackers and get you on your way to earning that black white hat!

Price = FREE!

What’s an Upskill Challenge (UC)?

A UC is a CTF-style, bite-sized lesson from the JHT Team, our courseware developers as well as “friends” of JHT. They are meant to be short and to the point. UCs focus on a single tool or concept and are helpful in quickly providing useful skills that might be prerequisites for other types of educational content on the platform.

A UC should be 10 – 30 minutes of student time and have no VMs. There are quizzes to make sure that the content is understood.

Prerequisites for UC – Virtualization

UCs assume no knowledge at all! They’re meant to be completely self-contained, so all of the answers are in the lesson. No outside research is required. Although being comfortable in Linux and Windows is helpful.

Livestream this Friday!

John Hammond brings you live forensics fun with Ali Hadi Fri Feb 21 at 6 PM ET / 3 PT.
Details on our Events page.

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